Clean and preserve the pearls

- Categories : Pearls

A string of pearls of good quality will exceed two hundred years and still enact its charm.
However, natural pearls require some attention so that their beauty can last over time

We should remember that the normal products for personal care, such as perfumes and cosmetics in general, can attack the beads and thus depriving them of their luster of their charm.
Therefore it is appropriate to wear makeup and perfume before wearing pearls.
In particular chemicals like chlorine content in the water of a swimming pool, alcohol, many soaps and the same acidity transmitted from the skin are sworn enemies that affect both the charm that the life of the pearl.
Equally important is to avoid that pearls come in contact with other jewelry, from which it is appropriate to keep them well separated to prevent scratches and abrasions.
For the purpose will be appropriate to keep them in separate housings, bearing in mind that too ventilated environments can promote dehydration pearl, who still retains a small percentage of water needed to maintain its splendor. 

To ensure longer life and the best aspect of your pearls, will be enough to clean them regularly.
Some schools of thought suggest to clean the pearls often enough, only with a soft cloth or chamois soaked with water slightly salty.
We believe more appropriate to make - occasionally - further cleaning using a little soap certainly neutral and then rinse.
In contrast, we believe that foundation cream and other fats and acidic, may be difficult to remove.
After cleaning and occasionally, it may be appropriate to also pass on pearls cloth slightly moistened with a few drops of olive oil, preferably almond.
Finally, we consider it essential to renew quite often their wire (one two years, depending on use), because the wire itself tends to absorb acids emitted from the skin.

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